Peter Rose - Analogies

Peter Rose - Analogies

"I'm an escape artist. I aspire to travel in the fifth dimension, to speak unknown languages, to discover the next stage in the evolution of thought. I construct structural parables that allude to the possibility of there being more to the universe than is permitted by our explanations."
– Peter Rose

“One of the characteristics of Peter Rose’s work is to scrutinise the ability of cinema and video to create inherent and often paradoxical meanings without necessarily resorting to narration. Whichever the chosen medium (video, computer, film, performance, etc.), his work jeopardises the idea of communication by upsetting the different systems set up for each film or video. Through the proliferation, repetition, multiplication or segmentation of images, texts, speech or alphabets, he explores our capacity to produce a unique meaning.”
– Yann Beauvais

1.Peter Rose - Babel 16:38mins

2.Peter Rose - Analogies 14:10mins

3.Peter Rose - Digital Speech 12:59mins

4.Peter Rose - Geosophist's Tears 08:18mins

5.Peter Rose - Incantation 08:39mins

6.Peter Rose - Metalogue 03:03mins

7.Peter Rose - Odysseus in Ithaca 05:24mins

8.Peter Rose - Omen 10:30mins

9.Peter Rose - Pneumenon 04:18mins

10.Peter Rose - Rotary Almanac 04:37mins

11.Peter Rose - Pressures of the Text 17:02mins

12.Peter Rose - Secondary Currents 15:28mins

13.Peter Rose - solaristics 10:10mins

14.Peter Rose - Studies in Transfalumation 05:31mins

15.Peter Rose - Study in Diachronic Motion 02:46mins

16.Peter Rose - The man who... 32:26mins

17.Peter Rose - Understory 08:29mins

18.Peter Rose - Spirit Matters 05:50mins

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Frédérique Devaux & Michel Amarger - CINEXPÉRIMENTAUX 1-4

Ingo Petzke - Northern Lights (RED AVOCADO Collection)

Ingo Petzke - Northern Lights (RED AVOCADO Collection)